Core Mummas - mums
Mums & Bubs - Core Fitness Newcastle


At Core Fitness we have created a Mummas only program to help you get back to pre-bub fitness!

We hear it over and over again… “Since bub I haven’t put myself first, I’d just love to be as fit as I was before having bub.”

We’re here to help you with that and you’re going to make some amazing connections with like minded Mummas. 

We focus on 3 pillars at Core Mummas – Challenge, Support and Encouragement

That is, we know you want to be challenged, but getting back into training post bub you need the support and encouragement to ease back into it!

In saying that there is no pressure to BOUNCE BACK.
We will teach you to find the enjoyment in exercise again whilst doing something for yourself, as we watch your confidence grow by the session.

We have classes on 4 days per week – Monday, Wednesday, Thursday and Friday 8.30am and 9.30am

Our staffed kids sanctuary is also available to keep your kiddies occupied whilst you work hard and pick up a sweat!

If you want to focus on you again, Mama then try out our Mummas classes for a week absolutely FREE!


And give yourself that well deserved Break! We would love to meet you!